Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Eye on subUrbia (part 1)

Tonight was the 2nd read-through. It was epic. I ran into a piece of art (seriously, who put art in the air in the middle of an empty room?) and sat on a shitty curved thing that made my ass feel like it was sitting on a shitty curved thing...of DEATH!

Alright, perhaps I should backtrack a little bit. This summer I somehow involved myself in yet another Apprentice Players' production: subUrbia. (Can I just say for the record that the name "Apprentice Players" sucks? No? I can't? Well, that's lame.)

Anyways. subUrbia is pretty much guaranteed to be a delightful barrel of fun and laughter; something a little akin to being put into a barrel...of not fun and laughter. Yeah...I need to work on my metaphors and insults. No seriously, though it should be fun. (OR WILL IT!?)

Sunday, June 7, 2009

News Travels Slow In Kentuckyland

Hi Everyone,

I'm Mat Leonard. This is me happy up at Vassar with coffee: Right now I am in Kentucky. This is me in Kentucky:

Basically, when I get done with feeding the chickens, smoking the tobacco and tipping the cows. I don't have too much else to do. So I figured, what the heck, if these fancy northern folk like this "bloggin" thing, it can't be all bad.

So here it goes. All the news from my KY summer, fresh delivered on these internets to your local computer.